Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Scientists find key drug to treat chronic pain

I read a story today about how scientists are seeing promise treating chronic pain with a new type of drug. This drug is called L-838,417, and it is a subtype selective GABAa antagonist.

In english, this means it works on our type of spinal chronic pain like Valium, but with fewer side effects. It also remains effective longer, whereas our bodies quickly build a tolerance to drugs like Valium.

This story was especially interesting to me because I recently found that Valium works great for my chronic pain. I was treated with this drug after my surgery and it not only relaxed my muscles (which can be really tight after back surgery!)--but it helped my pain quite a bit. This was realized as some of my pain returned after coming off of the drug.

Read the full story here.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

How did my detethering surgery go?

The surgery went well. The wound healed up really nicely and I haven't had any complications (e.g. CSF leak).

Surgical wound from my detethering (lysis of filum) surgery. Most people's wounds will be larger; my neurosurgeon specializes in doing this operation with a very small incision. Photo taken in December about one week post-op.

The harder question is how did the surgery help my symptoms, and will it halt the progression of syringomyelia.

The short answer is that it is too early to say. Week three of my recovery, I was feeling wonderful. I had such a reduction in pain that I was giddy. I was able to tolerate sitting in a recliner, which I couldn't before surgery (it would make my arms or legs go numb and cause pain). Kicking back in the chair felt really good (I usually stand up all day in front of a computer). Unfortunately, after sitting for an hour or two one day, I started getting leg symptoms again. Since then, I've gone back to feeling more like I did before surgery. My leg pain comes back occasionally (woke me up last night at 3am). My feet and calves feel numb much of the day. My thoracic spine and neck are a little tight. I have nerve pain in my arms sometimes.

It is expected that one's symptoms will ebb and flow after surgery. It just takes some time.

Mentally, it is really tough to be teased with the prospect of less pain and weakness, only to have it return again. I'm just trying to be positive and patient. Time will tell.

In the meanwhile I've been taking it easy and making a point to walk 2-3 miles a day. Walking felt really good last week, but this week it hurts some. So it goes.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Intraoperative photo of filum lysis (filum terminale detethering surgery)

I had my filum lysis (detethering) surgery on December 12th. Here is a picture from the surgery, along with my explanation.

Intraoperative picture of tight filum terminale before cutting. The filum is the tissue which connects the bottom of the spinal cord to the sacrum (tail bone). This one was abnormally tight. The small metal hooks are holding the spinal sac (dura) open. The metal hook is pulling on the filum terminale, which is about to be cut. This opening is in the lumbar spine.

Click To Enlarge