Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trip to the Chiari Institute: Part Two: I am a Candidate

Announcing my Candidacy

Continued from part one...

After talking with the neurologist and then the neurosurgeon, I was informed that I was a candidate for detethering surgery. I was handed a card with a number I could call to schedule the surgery.

Wow. After years of searching for a diagnosis, and then being told repeatedly that there was no treatment or cure, suddenly someone thinks they can help.

I had been training myself not to get my hopes up, so I'd be disappointed when I was, again, told I could not be helped. I was working hard on accepting a slow neurological decline and a life of constant pain. Now, suddenly I was given a chance at stabilizing my condition. With that chance comes the weight of a decision that I can't make easily; should I have surgery, before my spinal cord is damaged much more, or should I not take the risk and be thankful for the function that I have now.


C Wilson said...

Just wanted to say hi. I have sm, cm and other fun sister disorders. I just started a blog myself about it. I'm also on the asap board (cash71) Wanted to say that I really like your blog. Great info, links and really well done. Keep up the great work. My blog is http://www.chiariandsyringomyeliaincanada.blogspot.com/ If you want to check it out.

bye for now,


Anonymous said...

AJ was wondering where you have been . Didnt go see Dr. Ellbogan . Take care and come back to ASAP . WE HAVE A NEW BOARD . WWW.ASAP.ORG

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