First up, we have a lovely (axial T2-weighted) cervical spine MRI image showing my cervical syrinx. The donut looking thing in the middle is my spinal cord. The hole in the middle is the syrinx. The syrinx is a gap filled with cerebral-spinal fluid (CSF) which has been forced into my spinal cord by some sinister and yet unidentified force. These first couple of images are axial slices. That means they're 2-d slices made in the plane parallel to the floor if we were standing up. To simplify, it's the same cross section you'd see if you chopped someone's head clean off at the neck.
Next on our lovely slide show we have another axial slice, this time lower in the thoracic spine. Again you can see a white dot in the center of my spinal cord. This is my long-skinny thoracic (middle back) syrinx which runs about from T4 through T12.
Now on to the sagittal images. These slices are taken in the sagittal plane, which is what you'd see if you sliced someone clean in half from head to toe. This is a (T2) MRI of my cspine again. This time you can see the dark spinal cord coming down from the brain (to the right of the vertebrae and discs). You'll notice the white bubble in the center of it around C4-C6. That's the same syrinx that looks like a donut in the first picture. This talk of donuts is making me hungry.
Next we have a sagittal (T2) mri of my thoracic spine. Look for the thin white line in the dark spinal cord. When I first heard I had another syrinx from T4-T12, I was upset; that sounds really long. I felt a little bit better when I saw that it's fairly thin. It does get a little bit wider as it settles around T12, but it's hard to find in the MRI images.
This is a sagittal image (T2) from my thoracic and lumbar spine (lower back). Of note are the white line in the spinal cord at the top, and the seen-better-days L5-S1 disc at the bottom. It's turning black and it should be white; it's degenerative and bulging. Many people with SM experience multiple DDD (degenerative disc disease) and disc herniations. My guess is that it is from muscle spacticity. My paraspinal muscles and neck muscles just don't relax. They are way to tight.
Finally, here is a link to a movie which shows a sequence of axial cervical spine (neck) images. It moves from my upper back towards my head, one image per second.
(Right-click on the link, choose "Save As", and save it to your Desktop. Then, open it from there.)
Enjoy. This stuff is putting me to sleep and giving me a headache. Good night. Zzzzzzz....